Clorox Clean Up Cleaner & Bleach - 64 FZ 6 Pack
Regular price
$7.99 per unit

64 oz = 32 oz. trigger bottles. Kills 99.9% of bacteria (Escherichia coli, staphlococcus aureus (Staph), salmonella enterica (salmenella) & viruses (Rhinovirus (cold virus) (influenza A2 virus (flue virus)). Kills covid-19 virus (Kills Sars-cov-2 on hard). Removes stains & disinfects (When used according to the disinfection directions). Multi-purpose. www.clorox.com. how2recycle.info. For more ingredient information, visit www.smartlabeg.org. Questions or comments? VIsit us at www.clorox.com or call (800) 227-1860. For spanish translation of product infromation, visit www.clorox.com. Made in the USA of global components.