Sunsweet Cooked Prunes - 25 OZ 12 Pack
$3.89 per unit

Ready to serve with pits. Prepared from dried prunes in heavy syrup. Quality grower owned. Nurtured to perfection, Sunsweet ready to serve prunes are succulent, sweet and irresistible. So go ahead, live a little and enjoy! Feel Good Fact 12: Our promise is to provide the best tasting highest quality fruit in the world. Amazin Prunes are brought to you only from Sunsweet. Naturally sourced so size, volume and nutrition values may vary. Sold by weight. For questions or comments call: 1-800-417-2253, 9AM – 6PM EST, Mon – Fri. For more facts, healthy eating tips and recipes, visit us online. Please recycle.
Prunes with Pits, Water, High Fructose Corn Syrup.
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