3 - 16 - 26 lb (7 - 12 kg). Disposable swim pants. No. 1 best-selling swim pant (Based on US and Canada Nielson data). Easy open sides for an adjustable fit. Does not swell in water. 2 designs in every pack. Designed for water use. Please recycle. Made in the USA from domestic and imported material.
Caution: Choking may result from anything children put into their mouths. To avoid risk of choking, do not allow your child to tear pants. Discard any torn or unsealed pant. Like most clothing, pants can burn. Keep children away from any source of flame. To avoid suffocation, keep plastic bags away from children. To avoid transmission of diseases, do not allow children to enter the water if they are ill or experiencing diarrhea. Do not expect swimpants to prevent the transmission of diseases.